The power of ultra-freezing

Ultra-freezing, one of the most effective natural methods of food preservation.

Ultra-freezing is a preservation technique widely used in the food industry to preserve the natural properties and characteristics of fresh foods. It is based on the ability of cold to slow down and slow down natural enzymatic and metabolic processes, and other biochemical processes that cause food to deteriorate.

How do we minimize the loss of biological and nutritional properties of food?

By subjecting the food to very intense cold conditions for a very short period of time.

The main benefit of ultra-freezing is that it allows us to exponentially extend the shelf life of food while ensuring its safety and security.

But we cannot forget that by ultra-freezing food we also manage to maintain nutritional values ​​and prevent the reproduction of microorganisms.


Other advantages of ultra-frozen foods:

  • They reduce food waste, and even more so if they are frozen in IQF format since we can consume them in portions without having to defrost more than we need to consume.
  • Time saving, since we can cook the food without having to defrost it.
  • They offer the possibility of being cooked using different methods: frying, baking, boiling…
  • Ultra-freezing avoids the need to use artificial additives.
  • It guarantees the quality of the organoleptic properties