Passionate about good eating.
Quality food. Savor. The innovation. Your recipes and ours. The nutrition. The textures. The mmmmm…. Your shopping list. Drooling with happiness. Set the table. Cook. Grandma’s recipes and even those that come from China. The sustainability. Be up to date.
Here we share everything we are passionate about, everything that matters to us.
Poligono Ind. Clot de Moja
C/ Merlot, 20
08734 Oreldola (Vilafranca del Penedes)
Tel. 972 35 20 02 – Extensions 401 402 403
Timetable from 8h to 16h
Carretera de Malgrat, 22, 17300, Blanes, Girona
Tel. 972 35 20 02
Timetable from 8h a 16h