What does halal meat mean?

Halal meat is meat that has been produced and processed in accordance with Islamic laws. This means that the animal must be raised naturally, fed a plant-based diet and slaughtered using a specific method that includes the recitation of God’s name.

What is the method for making halal meat?

The animals from which halal meat comes have had to be on a strictly vegetarian and natural diet because the idea is to banish extensive livestock farming. In addition, these animals have not been able to be treated with hormones of any kind or with medicines, especially antibiotics.

The ritual of slaughter is extremely important. The animal cannot be slaughtered with suffering, only by a quick and deep incision in the neck with a knife while pronouncing the name of Allah. The jugular and carotid arteries are cut to bleed the animal without touching the spine. This is done so that the animal does not suffer, because blood is considered a harmful substance and because the nutrients in the meat are better preserved.

How do you know if it is halal meat?

Halal meat has a special certification issued by the Halal Institute, an entity created by the Islamic Board that certifies that the meat is halal and that the halal method has been applied 100%. This seal (Halal Guarantee of the Islamic Board) must be present on the piece of meat and at the place of sale.

The culture that follows Islamic law uses the word “halal” to refer to everything that is permitted and lawful according to its rules.

At Illas Juli we work with halal-certified meat.